
Today’s writing tip: breathe.

Sometimes, the best thing for your writing is… not writing. I know it sounds counter-intuitive and it is the last thing I thought would ever come out of my mouth. But sometimes you just need a break.

I’m not saying quit writing altogether. I am saying it can help to step away from a project, or from large projects entirely. Take some time to simply journal, relax your creative mind, and reset. If you find yourself zeroing in on a project so intensely that you can’t see straight, you may need to take a break from it and re-evaluate your perspective. Take a breath, focus on your mental state (make sure you’re getting enough sleep and not kicking yourself for not being perfect), and take some time to write something small, like anything you’ve been thinking about or what you dreamt last night.

Even if you want to keep pushing through that project that seems to be kicking your butt, remember to breathe and take care of yourself. The writing will come.

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Fears and Flaws: A Writing Prompt

All well-rounded characters have both of these things: fears and flaws. A majority of the time, these two things are tied very closely together. Our fears tend to bring out the worst in us. So what does your character fear? Is it spiders? Thunderstorms? Failure? Death? How do they react when faced with these things? Does it bring out their “fatal flaw?”

Start by listing out your character’s fears. Then write a scenario in which the character is directly faced with their biggest fear. Explore how the character reacts and why they react that way. You can also try writing two versions of this: once when it brings out their flaws and again when they overcome their flaw and/or their fear.

It will be interesting to see where this exercise takes you (and your character)! Comment thoughts and results below!

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