Prioritize and Organize

What are your priorities? These often change day to day, but generally speaking, what do you put before everything else – or more specifically, what do you put before writing? Is it family? Or sleep? Your favorite TV show? There is usually something that causes us to get down on ourselves when we go another day without sitting down to write.

Sometimes, our priorities are legitimate reasons not to take time out of that particular day to put our pen to the page. Getting enough sleep is important, as is keeping a job and eating three meals a day; if these things are what fill your day, take care of yourself first and worry about writing later. But other times, what fills our day could easily be excuses for what we should be doing. But either way, we should not get down on ourselves. Easier said than done, I know.

Instead, we should re-evaluate. What are our real priorities? And we should be honest with ourselves. Is what we spend our time doing really what we want – or need – to be doing? Once we’ve reflected, we should think about what we want to do with that information. It is possible that this season of life requires focus elsewhere. If that is the case, re-evaluate in a month, two months maybe, and see if the season has changed and along with it, your priorities.

For me, I’ve been giving work and friends priority recently. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I’m getting married in about a month and a half (crazy to think about, I know), so income and community are very important to me right now. But I have decided that writing is something I want to make time for, so it is time to sit down with the trusty old planner and schedule in some non-negotiable writing time even if it is just once or twice a week. While this season is super busy for me, writing is my outlet and I’m eager to work on my passion project.

What kind of writing season are you in right now? What are your goals, no matter how small or how big? What are you determined to work on?

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