Words and poets and grease

Books that changed my life part two

“Stay gold, ponyboy.” One of the most impactful quotes in all of young adult canon. At least it is to me.

Growing up, I struggled finding books I was “allowed” to read. The books my friends were reading were mostly forbidden by my parents, for good or for bad (I’ll leave that debate for another time). With a reading addiction as strong as mine was (and still is) I struggled with this conundrum, and throughout this time of limited reading material, my mom tried her hardest to keep a book in my hand at all times. This led to her suggesting some of her favorite books that she read in high school, one of which was The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.

Not only did I love this book and the characters in it, but I read it six times. Four times consecutively. From a reader’s perspective, the plot and characters are so well done that I was immediately immersed in the world of greasers and socs.

From a writer’s perspective, S.E. Hinton became my life goal – she published The Outsiders at age 18 and I made it my goal to write and publish a book with such unique voice and relatable story by the time I graduated high school. That goal was not met, but I knew it was ambitious and I’m still striving to be as unique and solid of a writer as Hinton is, even if high school and college have since passed me by.

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